Wednesday 7 October 2009

Everybody Needs a HUG

AMMA, the *hugging mother*, is coming to London this month to hug as many Londoners as she can possibly fit in a day.

Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, known as Amma, is a Hindu spiritual leader famous for transferring her energy to her devotees through physical contact. With Amma, hugging takes on a both metaphorical and literal relevance: it is a compassionate act but also a medium to pass on good, powerful vibes. 

Amma also runs an Ashram in South of India (Kerala), welcoming thousands of followers, although, being a globetrotter, she hardly resides there these days.

Amma's UK visit's Calendar can be found here.

"My Desire: Everyone in the world should be able to sleep without fear, at least for one night [...]. "


  1. Hello hello,

    I passed by her place last year during my trip but unfortunately she was indeed travelling so if you get the chance to see her, let me know how it was... I will hug people tomorrow with a particular thought for you my dear Silvia :)

  2. Hi Aurelie

    Lovely to hear from you. I meant to contact you to hear all about NYC, but then I thought I would wait for you to settle down. No doubt I will be in touch soon!

    P.S. Sadly, I couldn't go, but a friend went and really enjoyed the hug!
